Body Treatments

Bumps, Lumps, Marks Or Sagging Skin?

Not just your face!
We can look after all of your skin and do our skin treatments on the bits that annoy you.
You can banish
Back'ne and Butt'ne with the our range of peels and carbon laser sessions.
Need your arms to look smoother and firmer? - We can help you!
Sunspots on the back of your hands? -
Got You Covered!
Everyone has an area on their body that is less than perfect.
Get in touch with us and book in for a FREE skin consultation and we can let you know that options that can treat those annoying spots on your body.

Let us lift and and firm your legs -Reduce cellulite and loose skin. Package includes 2 x HIFU and 1 x skin resurfacing plus 1 skin needling. The results are incredible!
Allow 3-6 months for full results

Lifted Legs

Tuck shop arms?
Cant remove stubborn fat in the area or you have lost weight and have sagging? The solution is non surgical lifting with HIFU. We choose the settings to suit - fat removal, tightening firming.

Arm Firm And Lift

Excessive Sweating getting you down? We can help to make your glands work better reducing sweat!
1 treatment gives results and is safe and effective with Renova HIFU

Hyperhydrosis - Underarm Sweating

Spotty Back - struggling with Back Acne?
Let us help smoothe and renew your skin and confidence to show your back again and reduce scarring!

Backne Treatment

Spotty Bottom?
Butt'ne be gone!
Let us get that smooth beautiful peachy skin back and balance congestion and butt acne or rashes.

Buttne Treatment

Thicken the skin on your hands and keep them looking youthful !
A variety of treatments are available and your therapist will pick the best for your skin . Save 50% if booked with Face treatment

Hand Rejuvenation

Legs above knees starting to sag?
Skin needling promotes collagen and elastin resulting in firmer healthier skin!
Add to a face needling treatment and save 50%

Skin Needling Knees

Unsure which treatment will work best for you? Come in have a chat and let’s make a plan to combat your Skin issues!
We can do a virtual appointment or an indepth in salon appointment

Free Consultations

What Areas On The Body Can We Treat

We all have areas on our body that we dislike and the body treatments we offer are designed to target the areas and get results!
We can firm skin up, we can help with pigmentation and scarring.
Backs and Butts and acne - With warmer weather and exercise gear are the prime culprits why backs and butts get breakouts!.
We have the way to get these areas smooth and clear so you can get your confidence back!
Buttne and Backne are a common problem with people who workout and take care of their bodies!
The extra sweat on the skin and wearing tight workout gear can lead to breakouts.
What is the point in having that sexy tush if you cannot bare it at the beach.
Backne can develop out of no where and it is super annoying. What is the point in "shoulder day" if you cannot show show them
We can help with smoothing the skin surface and with our Skin needling or Fractional Body Treatments, we can also firm your arm areas!!

Skin Treatments And Firming For All Skin Types

Are you ready to get your GLOW on?
If you are not sure what treatments are going to be right for you -
Book in for a FREE consultation and we can you started on your new skin journey
You can book a 15 min virtual consultation or a more in-depth in salon consultation
of 30mins

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